Test Administration
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Test Administration

How can I accommodate students in my district that are not able to use a computer? Who is able to use paper-pencil forms?

Only students in grades 2–12 may take the ELPA21 test on paper for religious reasons according to state policy. All students enrolled in kindergarten and grade 1 will take the assessment online. For information on accommodations and designated supports, please consult the Accessibility and Accommodations Manual available under Resources.

Where can I download the secure browser?

You can download the secure browser on the Secure Browser page of the Iowa ELPA21 portal.

What is TDS?

TDS stands for “Test Delivery System.” It is the online testing system that will be used for the practice tests and the operational Iowa ELPA21 assessments. It consists of the Test Administrator (TA) Interface, where test administrators create and monitor test sessions; and the Student Interface, where students securely take the assessments online.

What options are provided for students who must test on paper?

Paper testing is offered to students in grades K-12. If paper testing is required, these materials will be offered in paper-pencil (regular print) and Braille. Instructions on ordering these materials can be found in TIDE.

Are there sample tests available for students to practice taking the test?

Practice tests are available on the portal and allow students to practice those skills on sample items that mirror those on the actual test.